Events Photography - Stacy van Zyl Photography (7)

You have poured your heart and soul into your upcoming event. Long nights in front of the computer; tears of frustration because things aren’t going to plan; blood because you stubbed your toe on that box you were going to move but just didn’t get to…

Then the day arrives and everything goes off without a hitch. Of course. Because you are awesome!

Events Photography - Stacy van Zyl Photography (9)
We did it!

You’ve got to document it. But I can promise you that on the day you are going to have more than enough to to, taking photos is not going to be at the top of your list. Because not only is that going to add to your stress, but it’s also going to mean that you aren’t included in any of them!

And that, my friend, is just unacceptable!

Events Photography - Stacy van Zyl Photography (8)
Beautiful client in her happy space!

So, whether you have planned a workshop, a birthday party, a baby shower or your matric dance, why not give me a call or pop me an email to book – not only will I make sure that the details as well as the candid moments are captured, but I will make sure that you (or the person you have planned the event for) are captured at your event. In your happy place. Reaping the rewards of your hard work.

Ready to book?

Get in touch with me here and we will set it up; I can’t wait!

Have more questions?

Check out my FAQs here or email me at!