Chestnut horse on black background by Stacy van Zyl Photography


Horses will always hold a very special place in my heart. There is nothing quite like the smell of their coats, mixed in with the softness of their muzzles. It takes me straight back to my teenage years, spent on the farm with my horses and best friend. We worked like crazy; shovelling manure, feeding and grooming horses, cleaning tack… we never had an off day! But oh that feeling when we rode; that absolute freedom that comes with being on the back of a horse. It’s indescribable. Not to mention that special bond between horse and rider, when you learn to anticipate your horse’s next move and when they learn to read your mood. There is something truly magical about it.

Portrait of Appaloosa cross horse with woman by Stacy van Zyl Photography


And I know that this is how you feel too! So why not book a photoshoot of you and that special horse in your life? You won’t be sorry!

Portrait of bay horse on black background by Stacy van Zyl Photography


Ready to book?

Get in touch with me here and we will set it up; I can’t wait!

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